On 07/03/2013 09:54 AM, Chris Burrell wrote:

Do versifications sometimes have different verse orders to each other.

Yes, unfortunately.

Is this something Sword copes with/is intending to cater for?

Currently, I think you have to "cheat" and renumber verses sequentially, but the content may be swapped between verses in some cases. (I can't remember the exact places or translations... I work with many.) Anyway, to compare identical content, you would have to have a common mapping scheme for both.

A more common example is in Psalms, where some count the canonical Psalm titles as verse one, then continue with verse 2 where others start verse 1, there, so the whole Psalm is essentially off by one verse from one versification to another, but the mapping is easy to do.

My aim is to be able to do a text comparison verse for verse, and so assuming I have the mappings between each verse, can I take two lists and work my way down... In other words

int i, j = i = 0;

while(i < passageLength & j < passageLength) {
  if (v11nA[i] mapsTo v11nB[j]) {
      output both verses
  } else {
    work out with of i & j is behind
    then i++ (or j++)

In the above, i and j only increment and j in particular doesn't jump around. The idea above, is that I can read the passages for v11nA and v11nB up front, and then process sequentially. (as opposed, to currently in JSword, making multiple reads to the backends for each verse.)

Yes, there would be duplicates since 1 verse may map to multiple verses, but that's ok I think.


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