Installmgr attempts to install modules to your primary SWORD module folder. 
There is a priority order in which this folder is found. CWD is higher 
priority, the SWORD_PATH env variable, some other locations, and also location 
set in /etc/sword.conf. there's a readme somewhere with the lookup order. My 
guess is that it was using /etc/sword.conf and trying to install to 
/usr,/share/sword which you don't have permission without sudo.

Hope this helps.

yvand <> wrote:
>Hi all,
>I tried to install modules from command line (for first time).
>Finally I found in the wiki some samples and manage to install modules!
>But I think installmgr does not behave properly.
>If you run :
>     rm -r ~/.sword
>     echo yes | installmgr -init
>     echo yes | installmgr -r CrossWire
>     echo yes | installmgr -rl CrossWire
>     echo yes | installmgr -ri CrossWire KJV
>It won't install KJV (try installmgr -l or diatheke) ! You will see no
>You need to create ~/.sword/mods.d and set $SWORD_PATH to ~/.sword !
>In my opinion this is odd, installmgr should at least say "give me a
>directory in which I can work", output an error if mods.d does not
>exists and not download all the files...
>Moreover the first 3 commands does uses ~/.sword automatically and
>creates subdirectories automatically...
>I am running sword svn version.
>Did I miss something? Is this a normal behaviour?
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