just tried that method you gave, doesn't have a context menu for search in 
xiphos but it does work in the sword project. I can continue my research. thank 
you, much appreciated.

> From: Troy A. Griffitts <scr...@crosswire.org>
>To: Jim Michaels <jmich...@yahoo.com>; SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum 
>Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2014 6:08 PM
>Subject: Re: [sword-devel] 3 bugs in sword project (BibleBS or BCS)
>How did you try to search for these in BibleCS?  Searching for
      Strongs works fine, as far as remember.  Did you click on the
      "Show Strongs" button, then right-click on one in the text and
      select search?  This will also show you the proper format to use
      when searching, if you'd just like to type in the number yourself.
>On 01/16/2014 04:40 PM, Jim Michaels wrote:
>as it is, I am told I am not allowed switch horses in the middle of my 
>project. I must use The Sword Project. not sure, but I may not be able to 
>change for a long time either...
>>could The Sword Project please be fixed? 
>>sorry, didn't know where to put bug reports for the sword
        project. I was working off of best information I could get.
>>> From: Barry Drake <bdr...@crosswire.org>
>>>To: Jim Michaels <jmich...@yahoo.com>; SWORD Developers' Collaboration Forum 
>>>Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2013 12:22 PM
>>>Subject: Re: [sword-devel] 3 bugs in sword project (BibleBS or BCS)
>>>On 20/11/13 02:30, Jim Michaels wrote: 
>>>> hi. if SWORD means BibleCS(BCS), I have submitted
                  3 bugs against it. I 
>>>> am beginning to wonder if nobody is monitoring
                  it. my best 
>>>> undestanding is that BibleCS means The Sword
>>>> could someone please fix those bugs and
>>>This gets complicated.  BibleCS is an early Windows
                viewer for the Sword 
>>>Project.  The Sword Project is a very versatile engine
                for making Bible 
>>>and other modules available to a number of GUI
                applications running on 
>>>many platforms.  For Windows, you ought to try BibleTime
                and Xiphos 
>>>which are both cross platform and have Windows
                versions.  Sword is now 
>>>available on several other platforms including iOS and
>>>Regards        Barry Drake 
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