Each front-end has it's own group, mailing list, forums, .... which have lots 
of people who are best able to respond to front-end questions.
Some of the BibleTime people are on this list, but you probably will get better 
response going direct.

I'm interested in what you find. I think your process of creating a new module, 
modifying SWORD to work with it and getting it to work in a front-end are 
instructive to us all.

In Him,

On Feb 7, 2014, at 4:48 PM, Barry Drake <bdr...@crosswire.org> wrote:

> The version of BibleTime that I built does not seem to see mi compressed 
> modules, only the rawtext ones.  The engine sees them OK as demonstrated by 
> using examples/cmdline/lookup which finds all my modules in ztext and 
> rawtext.  I have taken a completely fresh git checkout of the Bibletime 
> source and re-built the binary, but with no effect.  Any thoughts?  An 
> installation of BibleTime using sudo apt-get install bibletime works just 
> fine.  I am running Ubuntu 14.04 testing.
> God bless,        Barry.
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