Okay, following a few comments, I installed 1.5.11, then immediately dropped the new 1.7.2 in. Then I connected it with my BP Bible books. Everything came up fine. The install manager installed the books from there.

I especially like the fact I can now find Ruth in the OSHB! I created an index for MorphGNT and did a successful search. What else would you like me to do?


On 2/10/2014 8:03 AM, David Troidl wrote:
I had to get a new computer last April, so I don't have an existing installation of BibleCS. When you have an installer, I'd be happy to test it on Windows 8.1.


On 2/9/2014 7:05 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
Well, I've finally built new binaries against 1.7.2 (SVN HEAD actually)-- both BibleCS and InstallMananger. These need to be dropped into an existing install of BibleCS to test, if anyone is still interested in testing these, these days.


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