On 27 Feb 2014, at 3:44 am, Troy A. Griffitts <scr...@crosswire.org> wrote:

> Nic, you make it sound like I've repeatedly dropped multiple patches you've 
> tried to submit. I hope I've not been that irresponsible.

I have both submitted patches and also emailed asking if I should submit a 
patch when I have modified things, and I've had no response.
I have also submitted patches that have been accepted, though! :) [ insert 
comment about HTML parsing :D ]

I'm happy keeping my own fork, although it does waste some of my time when I 
then need to manually merge things when SWORD is updated.

My only comment about "irresponsible" is that I wouldn't say that!!! I would 
comment that we are all volunteers and there's a big lack of time and 
resources. (And here I am largely thinking of myself right now! One could just 
as easily comment that I have been irresponsible in how long it's taken for the 
latest version of PS (which is late in the beta cycle) to be officially 

Thanks, ybic
        nic...  :)
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