DM has kindly given me some admin rights to JIRA.

What I have done so far:

1) JIRA will now report for all SWORD and MODTOOLS issues to sword-cvs. Those 
not subscribed to sword-cvs who are involved/interested in reporting/fixing 
bugs should please subscribe to sword-cvs if they have not done so.

2) I have kept the reporting fairly minimal - new bugs and new comments, 
mainly. Admin tasks on bugs are not reported to the mailing list to keep the 
traffic down. Thanks to DM for creating the JSWORD notification scheme which I 
copied and adjusted for our purposes.

3) I have added a whole bunch of components to SWORD in JIRA with a number of 
new component leads. These will result in automatic assignment (and 
notification) of certain bugs to certain people (so far GHellings and myself) 
and reflects what these people would normally fix anyway (Greg - swig bindings 
+ CMAKE, myself locales etc). Comments and suggestions welcome.  

4) Chris and I have closed down a number of bugs which were (often long ago) 

5) I have put comments to a number of bugs which I could not really figure out 
completely, but believe they are fixed. Investigation by those with better 
knowledge/abilities would be appreciated

6) JIRA has a whole bunch of possible issue types we do not use. "Epic", 
"Story" etc. They clutter the field and probably do not really help. If 
increased use of JIRA lets us find a purpose for them - fair, but if not, I 
will probably delete them from the project in the next few months.



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