There is also domcox, a xiphos translator for French. His work on xiphos is 
always of good standard and careful. He might be able to assistw

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----- Reply message -----
From: "David Haslam" <>
To: <>
Subject: [sword-devel] Best versification for FreSegond and FreCrampon
Date: Wed, Mar 12, 2014 14:40

By decent data sets, we mean electronic Bibles that have not been
artificially forced into the default KJV v11n.

i.e. That accurately represent the v11n found in the printed editions of
each French translation.

Our French modules (in CrossWire Main) are currently:

FreBBB           French Bible Bovet Bonnet (1900)
FreCrampon   La Bible Augustin Crampon 1923
FreKhan         La Bible de Zadoc Khan (OT only)
FreMartin       French Bible Martin (1744)
FrePGR           Bible Perret-Gentil et Rilliet
FreSegond     French Traduction de Louis Segond (1910)

CrossWire Beta has
FreJND           French John Nelson Darby (1975)

NB. The conf file for the FreBBB includes this sentence,
For practical reasons the verses reference have been modified to match the
KJV one.

So because other (non-CrossWire) Bible software does not support av11n, 
we have acquired some text sources that have been squeezed to fit the KJV.

We still have contact with Claude Royère, so maybe we could enlist his
I first made email contact with him in 2008 (in connection with Go Bible).
It's just over 18 months since we last exchanged messages.

To add to the above list, we know of several websites that have other French
Many of these are linked in

Best regards,


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