On 06/02/2014 01:28 AM, Teus Benschop wrote:
> 1. If we have a team of Bible translators, all working in the same
> room and on the same network, all using Xiphos 3.2.0++, and working on
> individual portions of Scripture, will their Xiphos apps now all start
> to display the same passage?
A team of translators working together is actually one of the
anticipated use cases.  Yes, the idea is that everyone involved would
turn on BibleSync in Personal mode, which means all are both
transmitting and receiving.  Any time one navigates somewhere, all
others listening would also navigate.

Note Prefs screenshot, there are controls for selective listen (if the
work is really supposed to be driven by a group leader, and you want to
ignore other potential Speakers) and for direct -vs- indirect navigation
(using sidebar verse list, if you don't want to be force-navigated). 
You can even check the boxes to get a lot of noise about other apps'
presence, about mismatches (so you see what other misguided traffic is
going on, incl. otherwise-ignored Speakers), and full debug (which will
drive you quickly insane, trust me on this).

> 2. Will Xiphos continue to support navigation automation through dbus,
> or will BibleSync be the new mechanism that replaces the dbus one? 
No change to existing dbus support.  In fact I'd like to figure out how
to get it working in Win32, but the needed configuration bits for dbus
startup have eluded me for a long time.
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