OK, that is something he can enable I hope when he wakes up! So I do not have to give you the site's password?

Can we talk about the CARS situation?


On 8/11/2014 1:31 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
Nice Fred and Andreas!  I just tried it via FTP:


and receive a login prompt. This usually means that 'anonymous' read-only access isn't enabled.


On 08/11/2014 10:22 AM, Fred Phelps IV wrote:

The Uighur Cyrillic Sword module is now on a ftp server at

When I go there I get a "Forbidden" message so there must be some permission given to access it. But Andreas is asleep and I cannot find out what the problem is for at least 8 hours.

Other than that, as far as I can tell, "All is ready."


On 8/8/2014 3:22 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
This is great, Fred. Have your technical guys take a look at these details. There is a short minimal setup and a more advanced setup described.


Once everything is in place on your end, let us know and we will add your site to our registry enabling all SWORD frontends to automatically discover your resources you place there.

Thank you for this. Blessings in your service for our Lord.


On August 8, 2014 12:07:48 PM MST, Fred Phelps IV <d...@capost.org> wrote:

    To Sword Development at Crosswire

    We intend to host the Uighur Cyrillic Bible Sword Module
    (currently Gen, Ex, and NT) on our own repository located at


    The Sword module is not yet there but hopefully will be tomorrow.

    Please let us know the next steps.

    Fred Phelps for the Uighur Cyrillic team

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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