Hey guys,

Our CD ISO is horribly outdated. I still get occasional requests for CDs (about 2 per month) and I would guess people still might download the ISO and burn CDs themselves. We have too many modules now to fix on 1 CD.

Do you guys have any thoughts as to what we should do with this?

We have a quite a few nice feature for building an install media: you can define a set of preselected modules for installation, so the media could contain 300 modules, but say, 25 could be preselected so when you go to install, it is ready with a default module set.

You can typically run most SWORD apps directly from the media without installing.

We have secured permission to include a few Gospel tracts so churches or other organizations can hand these out and have them autorun a presentation of the Gospel.

Anyway, our ISO update script grabs all the latest main-repo modules when updating the ISO image, but we might want to include some of the other repos we host, as well (Wycliffe?).

Other software?

Expand to a full DVD image and split to 2 CD ISOs?

These are just thoughts on the top of my head. Any input? Anyone excited to maintain something like this?


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