Yay! I finally got the Sword Python bindings for Windows built tonight. Like Ben said, I just needed to define the macro SWUSINGDLL and it all worked. Thanks to everyone (especially Greg Hellings and the Morgan brothers) who helped me along the way.

I still have a long way to go, as now I need to learn how to use the Sword module. But after having tried (sporadically) to build the bindings for five months (and having wanted to do it for several months before that), I'm excited to have finally gotten it to work.

For the benefit of others (particularly the Morgan brothers when they want to build Sword 1.7 bindings for BPBible), I guess I should create a CrossWire wiki account and write an article explaining how I was able to build the Python bindings for Windows. When I went to do that, I noticed that the "Terms of Service" link is broken. Could this please be fixed?

-- Timothy

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