Title: signature
On 08/22/2015 11:37 PM, Peter von Kaehne wrote:
While Greg plans the next point release, can we also start thinking about the 1.8 release? 

Domcox's French versifications would break the ABI, so they require a new release, as do my LaTeX filters. Former need testing, latter need polish.

There are a bunch of patches Kalemas has put onto JIRA, but they could once tested and accepted go into a point release.

Anything else big in the wings? 

Yes. NRSVA versification in the current Sword library is broken. It does not support having both Esther (the normal canonical version from the traditional Hebrew text) and Esther from the Greek (the deuterocanonical version translated from the Greek Septuagint). The real NRSVA does. See the paper Bible ISBN 978-0-06-123119-3 or any of the NRSV with Apocrypha/Deuterocanon ecumenical editions.

The World English Bible has the same set of books as the NRSVA, but if you grab a copy of the current engWEB2015 from the eBible.org repository, then try to navigate to Esther (Greek) in PocketSword, you get to Revelation. Granted, Revelation is a really good book and part of the full canon of Scripture, and that Esther (Greek) is mostly redundant with the canonical Esther, but the extra bits are apparently important to some church traditions. (I even find them interesting as a Bible scholar from a church background that mostly ignores the deuterocanon.) It would be better to not offer the choice of going to an unsupported book than to redirect to another one, but better still to just support the book.

Note: even with the Esther (Greek) -> Revelation glitch, the engWEB2015 module in the eBible.org repository is much better than the WEB module in the Crosswire main repository, because it has the rest of the books, and it has the latest typo corrections and language updates, even those done yesterday. (There aren't a lot of problems left to find, but someone found an "east" that should have been "west" recently, because the ASV didn't match the Greek at that point.)

I propose:
1. Create a new versification for Sword that is a true superset of known Bible versifications, at least having all of the books defined as Bible books in the OSIS and SIL+UBS Paratext book sets. This might be the union of LXX with NRSVA, repaired to include Esther (Greek), for starters.
2. Handle subsets gracefully. We need to, anyway, to support Scripture portions (i.e. maybe one or two Books of the Bible from a translation in progress).

Either that, or support per-module versification specifications based on what is actually in the module, be it just the Gospel of John, a New Testament, a 66-book full Bible, or a full Bible with any or all of the deuterocanon/apocrypha books, no matter how many chapters are in Malachi or how many verses are in John's Second Letter.

Another issue in the wings is support for mid-verse section titles. OSIS supports it, but Sword currently does not. For now, I have worked around this issue by simply disabling all section titles in the OSIS I feed osis2mod. This is not an optimal solution, but very effective in evading the issue.

An issue that may require Sword library modification and probably front end handling changes is how to handle modules with Strong's numbers. Currently, the engKJV1769, engKJV2006, and spaRV1909 modules are affected, but more will be affected, later, as Strong's numbers are added. Any suggestions as to how I can make the OSIS source files I feed osis2mod better are welcome. (It is just a matter of how to convert from USFX, so I don't actually have to change the source to change the OSIS.) In general, osis2mod complains regularly about well-formed OSIS not being well-formed. This is not surprising to me given the nature of the OSIS standard, but since my only use for OSIS is creating Sword modules, it isn't out of the question to reinterpret the OSIS standard or alter it for our purposes, as long as we do it in the same way. (KJV and Spanish Reina Valera 1909 modules are redundant with the main repository, but they are pilot tests in handling Strong's numbers.)

By the way, the eBible.org repository rebuild is still in progress, working alphabetically by language code, and currently at swp. So far, it is looking pretty good except for the missing book issue and rendering of Strong's numbers. There also seems to be a problem with footnote display in Xiphos, but it works fine in PocketSword. And, of course, we are still missing PocketSword prebuilt indexes, so I can't do searches in PocketSword.

I would test with AndBible, but I don't know how to add a custom repository to it. Is there a way to do that?
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