I'm running my own binary of Xiphos 4.0.3 on Centos-7. 
This is a GTK3 binary. I also have, but haven't tried, a GTK2 binary.
FWIW, this machine was installed as a GNOME desktop, then the MATE
desktop was installed, and MATE is my default desktop.

When working in the module manager I've encountered a weird bit
where windows and/or window fragments are being drawn, erased,
redrawn, erased, ad infinitum, depending on where the mouse pointer

the problem seems to have something to do with how close the line the
pointer is on, is to the top of the screen (or possibly the top of the
window, I haven't specifically tried it with a window whose top is not
at the top of the screen). I've made a short video of the screen in which
I try to show that by placing the pointer on items that do not cause
the flashing, to show that they don't, then scroll it up and show that
it does.  As far as I can tell, it doesn't matter which item it is on,
but only where on the screen it is.

I've made a short screen capture video of this so you can see what
I mean. it's way too big to attach here. You can see (or grab a
copy of) the video by browsing to http://users.rcn.com/fredricksmith/xiphos

I'd appreciate it if someone would give me an idea if it is (1)
repeatable, (2) a Xiphos bug I need to report, (3) a GTK bug, (4) something


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