In modern Bible Translation (Wycliffe/SIL) circles, "default" versification
in the translation programs  (ParaTExt, SIL Translation Editor, and Teus'
BiblEdit)  is 'English' which is (as far as I know) the same versification
as what Sword calls NRSV, so this change should be considered. It will
cause less confusion for folks who've spent years working translations with
Wycliffe get their texts into sword format. There won't be that many 'new'
translations which are using KJV as their versification.


1. The documentation should reflect what the code does. If the manpages
have been abandoned, they should disappear.

2. Existing modules which use KJV versification typically leave the
Versification= line out of the .conf file (SpaRVG for example).  Without an
effort to fix these legacy .conf files (forcing all .conf files to be
explicit about versification) I suspect eventually there will be front end
problems misinterpreting what 'default' means.
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