On 2015-09-21, 16:10 GMT, David Haslam wrote:
> I just started to examine the USFM files for the OEB, and found that some of
> the USFM is of rather poor quality.
> I encountered problems such as missing verses, verses in the wrong order,
> etc.

Did you look at the USFM texts on GitHub 
(https://github.com/openenglishbible/Open-English-Bible)? It 
seems to be better than what we currently have in OEB module.  
For example, I was trying to use HTML of Psalms generated by 
diatheke from our OEB module (trying to make my HTML5 Psalms 
reader multilingual) and I had to switch to ESV, because it was 
missing many verses (which were hunked together in one verse), 
tons of nonsensical elements (like <div>s, etc.). Most of these 
problems seem to be fixed in the GitHub text.

Just one anecdote story.


http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/, Jabber: mc...@ceplovi.cz
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