On 12/13/2015 01:51 AM, Peter von Kaehne wrote:
> relies on something else (webkit) which in turn (via gtk?) relies on
> pango which in turn relies on harfbuzz if it is there.
pango and pangocairo are libs installed (in Fedora) as the pango
package.  pangocairo loads harfbuzz dynamically -- it is not part of the
build/link of Xiphos, but is inhaled during runtime by pangocairo.
> I am not sure if our Windows version of Xiphos needs to bundle all this
> stuff and where it gets it from
Yes, certainly; libharfbuzz and libharfbuzz-icu are among the libs
listed in makeDistro.sh for inclusion in the installer.  They are
available via mingw packages.
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