That was my first thought, but it can't be the explanation, since the other
116 titles in which canonical="true" are not included in the diatheke output
without the -h option.

e.g. Psalm 15 for which the mod2imp output is:

$$$Psalms 15:1
<div type="x-milestone" subType="x-preverse" sID="pv12"/><title
canonical="true" type="psalm"><w lemma="strong:H04210">A Psalm</w> <w
lemma="strong:H01732">of David</w>.</title>

It may turn out to be a KJV module issue, rather than a diatheke issue. 

Or if osis2mod doesn't transform the 22 acrostic titles to
subType="x-preverse", it might be a build issue.
But unless the OSIS source text is such that it does that automatically,
then we have a problem.

Currently, Xiphos displays the "widowed" verse tag BEFORE each stanza title.
This matches the behaviour of diatheke, in that the acrostic title is
considered as part of the verse text.

I think this might be first for DM to tackle - to see if we can improve the
OSIS in this Psalm.

Best regards,


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