On 2015-12-16, 20:22 GMT, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Hi guys.  How were the modules installed?  Where are they installed?
> Are the data files readable by the user running these commands?

1) Checked for all material installed in $HOME and removed it 
   (including ~/.sword).

2) $ installmgr -init
   $ installmgr -r CrossWire
   $ installmgr -ri CrossWire CzeCSP
   $ diatheke -b CzeCSP -k Jn 3:16

3) Got no output whatsoever.

4) Removed ~/.sword again, and started Xiphos.

5) Reinstalled modules, and now even diatheke works.

6) The only remaining problem is that Xiphos randomly complains, 
   that “Module error: Unusable xref encoding. Please, report 
   this with module & verse”. Module is my CzeCSP, but when 
   I switched to another module and back, it is gone. Stderr 
   contains multiple messages “Error reading ulBuffNum”.



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