I love good bug reports. They help fix issues. Details & how and why something 
is wrong will lead to correct fixes. (Well, mostly! It relies on having free 
time to implement the fixes, hey!)

I love the idea of all of this being automated, but it relies on more work 
initially to refine to tools to make them correct. Then the idea of having 
modules being built simply from a commit is rather cool :)

My 1.5 cents. :)
Nic :)

Sent from my phone, hence this email may be short...

> On 27 Dec 2015, at 08:56, David Haslam <dfh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Michael writes, "Wow. A little grace would go a long way in this thread."
> Admittedly, I've expressed some things rather strongly.
> That's simply because until earlier this evening, I was the only one seeing
> the issue.
> The script-generated conf files I installed from the repo contained lines
> that Peter couldn't even see before he read my detailed report sent
> privately as an Excel file attachment.
> Something very weird was going on that neither of us knew about.
> Is it not unsurprising that I should feel very frustrated that repeated
> iterations didn't lead to a clean solutuon?
> After all, the submitted module conf files were error free.
> A system that's designed to remedy bad conf files shouldn't have ended up
> damaging good ones.
> Yet that's exactly what has happened.
> There are lessons to be learned by all of us.
> It's not been a painless experience.
> Best regards,
> David
> PS. Peter and I are already planning collaborative work for another project. 
> It's not as if we're falling out with each other.
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://sword-dev.350566.n4.nabble.com/Submission-of-OSIS-files-for-Bibles-and-Commentaries-tp4655499p4655550.html
> Sent from the SWORD Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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