On 01/13/2016 07:53 PM, DM Smith wrote:
> it loads but doesn’t work in Xiphos.
AbbottSmith and BosworthToller are the only 2 modules (I think) that I
am unable to index.  Try "mkfastmod AbbottSmith".  It will do nothing
but spin your CPU.  In fact, I just found that I can't even use mod2imp
on it.  It spins while generating this output:

<entry n="">    <form><orth>ζαφθανεί</orth> (cf. <emph>Heb.</emph>
<foreign n="H5800" xml:lang="heb">עָזַב</foreign>), </form>   
<sense>zaphthanei: <ref osisRef="Matt.27.46">Mt 27:46</ref> (WH, mg.,
for Rec. <foreign xml:lang="grc">σεβαχθανεί</foreign>, q.v.; "probably
an attempt to reproduce the <emph>Heb.</emph> as disting from Aram.
forms," WE, <emph>Notes</emph>, 21; cf. also Dalman, <emph>Words</emph>,
53 f.).†</sense> </entry>
@LINK Ἑζεκίας
@LINK Ἑζεκίας
@LINK Ἑζεκίας
@LINK Ἑζεκίας
@LINK Ἑζεκίας
@LINK Ἑζεκίας

Same problem with BosworthToller, generating this after about line 1700:

<entryFree n="-ǽwed"><p><form><orth>-ǽwed</orth></form>. v.
<entryFree n="-ǽwirdlian"><p><form><orth>-ǽwirdlian</orth></form>. v.
<entryFree n="-ǽþe"><p><form><orth>-ǽþe</orth></form>. v.
<entryFree n="-ǽþe"><p><form><orth>-ǽþe</orth></form>. v.
<entryFree n="-ǽþe"><p><form><orth>-ǽþe</orth></form>. v.
<entryFree n="-ǽþe"><p><form><orth>-ǽþe</orth></form>. v.

These have been broken for a very long time.

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