> Von: "Baiju M" <baiju.m.m...@gmail.com>
> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 4:48 PM, Peter Von Kaehne <ref...@gmx.net> wrote:
> > The problems are inherent in USFM - the lack of end marker, the lack of 
> > semantics.
> > So you get all kinds of problems at chapter/chapter, verse/verse and 
> > verse/chapter transitions.
> > And in poetry etc.
> Are you suggesting that the *USFM standard* need improvement? Or this
> is a problem with the USFM files created by users?

The USFM standard does what it says on the tin. I doubt that you can move the 
makers to amendments which have no beneficial impact on their work. 

The standard hovers along the faultline of semantic and presentational markup 
and does it well insofar as users who have no clue of semantics use it well 
enough. Users can produce problematic USFM and USFM editing programmes have 
some difficulty weeding this out. But by and large the paths of working with 
translations - from translating team to publisher - are well worn and well 
used, so to disrupt this you would need to offer something exceptionally better 
and easier to use.


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