Just FYI.

Xiphos is moving development off SourceForge to GitHub.  This has been
requested of me for a long time by several other developers, and the
process is finally under way.

I've asked Troy to create new mailing lists xiphos-devel and
xiphos-users, to which all subscribers will be moved soon.

The code base will be auto-imported from SF; at the moment, the repo at
https://github.com/crosswire/xiphos is empty and will stay that way
until I collect a bunch of new GitHub names so that the import can
"credit" past commits properly.

Bug reports will be inhaled from SF, and GitHub provides file release
procedures these days as well.

I'm hoping to put out Xiphos 4.0.5 "soon," but given complications from
this move and other stuff in my life, it might not happen until sometime
in February.  There are a couple general bug fixes, BibleSync updates,
and more abbrev handling corrections to be done.

sword-devel mailing list: sword-devel@crosswire.org
Instructions to unsubscribe/change your settings at above page

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