On 10.02.2016 19:00, DM Smith wrote:
> I don’t understand your HTTP-only comment regarding the wiki. It works just 
> fine under HTTPS. Is your objection the self-signed certificate?

I object to sending my login credentials over the wire in plain text.
Btw, the wiki login form didn't redirect to HTTPS.

I don't object to self-signed certificates in general. Its the chain of
trust that matters. Currently I don't have any reason to trust the
certificate with SHA-256 fingerprint
because I have no certainty whatsoever that it indeed belongs to
Crosswire. If the login were on HTTPS, a certificate signed by a CA
trusted by Firefox trusted by me (for the issue at hand) would have been

I don't want to start a crypto discussion and fuel people into calling
me paranoid. I doubt that further discussion on this matter will do any


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