Are the code libraries which come with the SWORD library such as clucene, zlib, 
etc. the same as from the source or are they modified?

I'm asking because the zlib code, for example, does not work with iOS unless 
you edit one of the files. I believe there are more libraries which one of the 
files needs code for them to be included/imported. Based on a question on 
StackOverflow by someone with a similar problem, the author of the zlib library 
himself seemed to reply and he seemed aware of the bug since he suggested a 
fix. However, this is a fix for the most version of zlib which I think already 
comes with the Sword framework. 

So, this leads to a problem because I downloaded the Sword framework files 
(because PS needs the updated 64 bit version) and then switched it out with the 
current framework and etc. in PocketSword. I expected it to work with minor 
issues from the start, but that did not happen. It may not have been till I 
started running a comparison against all the old versus new files that I found 
the extra code lines so that zlib could be compiled. So, it works now, but it's 
not the same one as the original from the website. Are these differences listed 
somewhere? My current understanding is that the Sword code is not dependent on 
zlib or the clucene library code so I'm guessing that they are provided as 
conveniences so users don't have to download it separately? I guess I'm trying 
to figure out if the zlib code should be updated in order to work without 
problems from the very start and be distributed with the Sword framework or is 
it something which should stay the way it is, and at minimum the S
 wordHowTo file in the binding folder be updated to reflect changes which need 
to be made to the file in order for it to work. So, basically it would be 
erroneous to assume that the 3rd party libraries which come with the Sword 
framework work on all platforms ...even though it's written in the same C/C++ 
language? ....but wait, shouldn't frameworks work immediately upon 
installation? Sorry, I think I'm starting to confuse myself. Does anybody know 
how this is normally done?

There's also the Clucene library. It's riddled right now with 64 bit warnings. 
Besides it being bad practice based on my understanding to leave it that way or 
use it that way for a long period of time, there's also a significant 
difference between iOS apps and most other software. That is, that the apps can 
only go through Apple's App Store and must conform to Apple's requirements else 
risk being denied. Apple's already made it clear that apps should be 64bit 
compatible. So, if PocketSword was submitted with the current Clucene library I 
do not know how they would take it. It seems to me that it may be skating on 
thin ice with them. If they saw the numerous 64bit warnings, I do not think it 
would be unreasonable for them to question why the app was submitted that way. 
I posted a list last month or so of all the 64 bit warnings  Xcode gave me 
including ones in the clucene files. A lot of the code creating the warnings 
was fixed as a result, but only I think in Sword files. I think it'
 s my understanding that the Sword files which were not fixed were at least 
checked to see if the different memory sizes being used (64 bit sized longs 
being cast to 32 bit sized int's or something similar?) could lead to any 
problems, unless I'm mistaken? I don't know offhand though if the clucene or 
any other non-sword files were checked. 
...I think that perhaps the point I'm driving to is that even if all the 
numbers in use are on the low side and so having more memory space shouldn't 
change anything, from Apple's point of view they may not accept that as a 
reason and it still remains that the code isn't written in compliance to how 
they want 64bit code to be done, which seems as far as I've seen so far to be 
the same standards as everyone else. So, data types, for example, shouldn't 
implicitly cast from long to int. So, this then leads to the question, does an 
updated compliant version get made and sent along with the Sword framework 
files, or is it something that should be done from my side? or the front end's? 
side of things.  That is, to delete the version of clucene that comes with the 
Sword framework files and substitute one which is compliant with 64bit coding 
practice. And also somewhere make it clear or written down somewhere proper 
that the version of clucene being used is a customized version so that nobod
 y in the future gets confused or mixed up thinking that it's the same as the 
version which was released by the original maintainers or developers of the 

I wrote this on my phone and it looks like a lot. I've not been feeling well 
lately so sorry if I'm being unnecessarily wordy. 

PS - I remember that Sword++ was switched to being dependent on certain 
libraries which I think included clucene and zlib. So, I'm offhand curious as 
to how he/they are treating this situation since Linux should be using the same 
64 bit standard as what Apple uses so the 64bit warnings should affect them as 


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