On 02/15/2017 06:44 PM, Matt Zabojnik wrote:
> What's the best way to go about this? If it works on some platforms,
> should I assume it works everywhere?
No, you shouldn't. There's really no substitute for getting them into as
many UIs as you can.

I have had a number of similarly restricted modules for eons, and with
regularity one or another of them would poke the bear for unknown UI
bugs. Notably, I worked with Nic pretty closely on PocketSword issues
for some of my unusual modules -- things like cross-module footnote
coverage tripped up PS in interesting ways, ways that didn't bother
BibleCS or Xiphos or BibleTime, because of the nature of the UI model.

Finding volunteers to take a look using platforms you can't access
personally shouldn't be too hard.
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