I know it's been mentioned and hinted at in the past, but I wanted to -
again - lodge a complaint regarding the inertia of CLucene use in the

CLucene's last release, and last git commit on SourceForge was in 2013. It
has had none of the language-specific updates that Lucene has generated
upstream which is one of the best parts of the Lucene ecosystem.

It has always suffered from GCC-on-Windows specific compile bugs,
especially related to uses of pthread, and since upstream went defunct now
4 years ago there has been no movement to fix them correctly. Fixes need to
be maintained by downstream teams. Even the native Linux packaging depends
on a number of patches just to be able to compile, because upstream has no
interest in even putting out a usable product.

With the recent release of GCC 7, CLucene has become - once again - a FTBFS
package on MinGW/Windows targets. This is going to necessitate dropping the
package from the MinGW builds of Sword that I maintain for Fedora which
will make future releases of Xiphos for Windows incapable of offering
Lucene based searching.

Is there any whiff of hope that we might be willing to move off of
depending on CLucene for advanced search support and onto a project that
has any amount of vitality?

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