You'll have to give more information before anyone can help you out

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 12:46 PM, Ryan V <> wrote:

> appears to be very broken now. I ran it on a number of bibles
> and it failed to properly convert all of them. For the World English Bible
> it reported the following:
>     Unhandled USFM tags: \+bk, \c, \li1<verse, \p, \p<verse, \q2, \v (7
> total)

This is not broken. This is unimplemented. Tags are only implemented into once they are encountered. These have not been encountered in
previous works converted using this tool. You or someone else will need to
add support for those tags.

> Chapter and verse numbering in the resulting osis is broken as well. It
> looks like the following:
>     <chapter osisID="$BOOK$.1" sID="$BOOK$.1"/>
>     <verse osisID="$BOOK$.$CHAP$.1" sID="$BOOK$.$CHAP$.1"/>

What language and format are you source files in? Often USFM projects
represent a new work from a new language, and the source language names and
abbreviations for books are not known. Perhaps the format that your books
are in means that this information is missing from the OSIS but present in
some other type of metadata. Somewhere, somehow the book and chapter
information is missing from the input and thus it's not in the output. That
doesn't necessarily mean that the utility is "very broken".

Please give us a bit more information to work with.


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