On 03/02/2017 02:14 PM, Greg Hellings wrote:
> I also get no results.

On the other hand...

$ mod2imp KJV | grep -B1 -i abed.nego | fgrep '$$'
$$$Daniel 1:7
$$$Daniel 2:49
$$$Daniel 3:12
$$$Daniel 3:13
$$$Daniel 3:14
$$$Daniel 3:16
$$$Daniel 3:19
$$$Daniel 3:20
$$$Daniel 3:22
$$$Daniel 3:23
$$$Daniel 3:26
$$$Daniel 3:28
$$$Daniel 3:29
$$$Daniel 3:30

Plain old regular expression search ("grep" origin is g/re/p, the
ancient syntax in UNIX' original line editor for "global regular
expression print") finds them. grep is locale-sensitive. and I have

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