I think you might have misunderstood my question.

I'm simply puzzled about the code and whether the value 0 for char
testmt is even used somewhere? Why isn't the testmt parameter an enum {
NewTestament, OldTestament } type?


On 19.03.2017 23:51, DM Smith wrote:
> I’ve always wanted to know the answer to that too. Osis2mod can’t handle 
> Bible or Testament introductions as it (meaning me, since I code it) doesn’t 
> know how to construct an address for them. Not sure how any front end 
> addresses them.
> From memory and I may not have this right:
> The idx files for the OT and NT have index 0 for the module introduction and 
> index 1 for the testament introduction. Index 1  the address of testament #, 
> book 0, chapter 0, verse 0.
> Index 2 is for the introduction for the first book of the testament. 
> Addressed as testament #, book 1, chapter 0, verse 0.
> Index 3 is for the introduction of the first chapter of that book. Addressed 
> as testament #, book 1, chapter 1, verse 0.
> Index 4 is for the first verse of the first chapter of the first book of the 
> testament. Addressed as testement #, book 1, chapter 1, verse 1.
> If you have a single testament, the module introduction is in that testament.
> But I’ve never seen an example of module or testament intros working.
> DM
>> On Mar 19, 2017, at 5:33 PM, Jaak Ristioja <j...@ristioja.ee> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I have a question about a magic number in the zVerse, zVerse4, RawVerse
>> and RawVerse4 classes. More precisely, some of their methods take as
>> argument a variable "testmt" of type char. For some methods the code
>> comments states:
>>  testmt    - testament to find (0 - Bible/module introduction)
>> but for other methods:
>>  testmt  - testament file to search in (0 - Old; 1 - New)
>> Am I correct that the code comments is outdated with respect to the
>> code, and it should actually read something like:
>>  (0 - Bible/Module introduction; 1 - Old Testament, 2 - New Testament)
>> Thanks,
>> J
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