Yep, *PocketSword* hides both Hebrew vowels and cantillation. :(

And then there's *UTF8ArabicPoints*.

Yet strangely enough, *PocketSword* does show the points in (say) the
*AraNAV* module.
There's a strange inconsistency within this topic.
I suppose this came to the scene later than Greek & Hebrew, and was
implemented in SWORD more logically as a /subtractive/ filter.

I've yet to test what diatheke does with option filter *-o p* 
And I don't suppose anyone has ever tested it on an Arabic/Persian module
with option *-o r* for Arabic Shaping....
cf. Does any front-end have a UI option to toggle Arabic Shaping?

As for more than two variants, perhaps we need to mock up a module with a
third variant just to test what SWORD does.


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