If SWModule::setSkipConsecutiveLinks(true) then SWModule::increment() (and operator ++) will skip to the next verse which is not a link to the current verse.

Typically usage is that a chapter will simply do a for (;;) loop through the verses in the chapter and it all just works.

There is also a method which was added, I think by Ben Morgan a while back: SWModule::isLinked, though I'm not sure why it was needed and I've never had a need in any frontend I've written to use it.

Tech details about links:

There is often no way to really tell if a verse is a link. Some module drivers implement this the same as filesystem inodes, which basically resemble hard links (not symbolic links)-- basically, just reusing the same data pointer in the index. But since links are almost exclusively consecutive, a practical check can be performed to see if the current entry is the same as the next entry.

On 05/22/2017 02:48 AM, Manfred Bergmann wrote:

Not entirely sure I’m understanding correctly.

In Eloquent I’m maintaining a map/dictionary per ’show verses’ request where 
basically only the reference is stored in some normalized way.
So I can check on that dictionary and see whether a certain verse was already 
added to the output buffer.


Am 22.05.2017 um 08:56 schrieb ref...@gmx.net:

How do front-ends know not to double/triple/quadruple...a verse range? Diatheke 
fails at that right now and I would like to fix this.


Sent from my mobile. Please forgive shortness, typos and weird autocorrects.
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