I'm not so sure your initial assertion is correct.

$ diatheke -b KJV -o h -k Ps 3
Psalms 3:1: <w
savlm="strong:H03068"><seg><divineName>Lord</divineName></seg></w>, <w
savlm="strong:H07231">how are they increased</w> <w
savlm="strong:H06862">that trouble</w> <w savlm="strong:H07227">me!
many</w> <transChange type="added">are</transChange> <w
savlm="strong:H06965">they that rise up</w> against me.
<title canonical="true" type="section"><w savlm="strong:H04210">A Psalm</w>
<w savlm="strong:H01732">of David</w>, <w savlm="strong:H01272">when he
fled</w> <w savlm="strong:H06440">from</w> <w
savlm="strong:H053">Absalom</w> <w savlm="strong:H01121">his
son</w>.</title>Psalms 3:2: <w savlm="strong:H07227">Many</w> <transChange
type="added">there be</transChange> <w  savlm="strong:H0559">which say</w>
<w savlm="strong:H05315">of my soul</w>, <transChange type="added">There
is</transChange> <w savlm="strong:H03444">no help</w> <w
savlm="strong:H0430">for him in God</w>. <w savlm="strong:H05542">Selah</w>.

If you notice carefully, the canonical title is there. It is just
misplaced. It comes after the text of Psalm 3:1 and not before.


On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 4:40 PM, David Haslam <dfh...@protonmail.com> wrote:

> Maybe someone could patch diatheke to fix this?
> Best regards, David
> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
> On Wed, Mar 14, 2018 at 12:14, David Haslam <dfh...@protonmail.com> wrote:
> Diatheke does not output the canonical Psalm titles when output option h
> is used.
> Try this and see what I mean.
> diatheke -b KJV -o h -k Ps 3
> This is a significant lack of feature.
> Best regards,
> David
> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
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