Going on from the earlier thread.

It's evident that diatheke can output section headings, viz., try this:
>diatheke -b ESV2011 -o h -f plain -k Matt.1
The output includes:
The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
(before verse 2)
The Birth of Jesus Christ
(before verse 19)
both of which are titles supplied by the ESV translators.

Yet diatheke seems to be unable to output canonical Psalm titles, viz., try 
>diatheke -b ESV2011 -o h -f plain -k Ps.3
The 8 verses are output, but no Psalm title appears,
neither the uninspired "Save Me, O My God" (supplied by the translators)
nor the inspired "A Psalm of David when he fled from Absolom his son." (as 
translated from the Hebrew).

Surely it's a serious deficiency in diatheke that it can output some uninspired 
section headings but not others and never the inspired Psalm titles?

Do the developers have any ideas on how to remedy this inconsistency?

Or is it a problem in how modules are made that leaves these titles in limbo 
like this?

Best regards,


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