
I am using the OSHB module version 1.2 and found some place where the
morphological information are missing.
By example, in Amos 7:7:

Looking at the output of 'diatheke -b OSHB -o vm -f OSIS -k Amos 7:7'.

The first w node has a morph attribute:
<w morph="oshm:HD" savlm="strong:H03541">כֹּה</w>

But not the second one:
<w n="1.1" savlm="strong:H07200"><seg>הִרְאַ</seg><seg>נִי</seg></w>

If i look  at the following web application that use OSHB data too, the
morphological information for this entry are shown:



I do not understand clearly what is the workflow from upstream
openscripture data to the sword module hosted on Crosswire ftp, nor how
frequently both side are refreshing data.

How can i have access to an updated OSHB sword module and learn more
about this worflow ?

Have a nice day !

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