I might just say from my recent experience, creating OSIS from other sources is 
not a trivial matter.

Depending on whether you are creating a Bible, a Commentary, or a GenBook, the 
process is not the same.

It took me two years to develop Perl scripts that convert from Logos XML to 
OSIS for Bibles, Commentaries, GenBooks, and Dictionaries.

For example, even though Logos XML is well-structured, my converter for Bibles 
is customized to the three Bible texts that it converted, and to use it for 
other Bibles will require further customization for each. For Commentaries and 
GenBooks it handles them in a more generic way without need for further 

OSIS is mainly a semantic markup scheme, highly adapted to Scripture, but 
little else. Since html is a totally flexible structure, you need a way to map 
the structural elements in your source to structural elements in OSIS. It has 
very limited formatting capabilities. You need to have a way to deal with CSS. 
Rendering is mostly left up to the Client User Interface.

I wish I had an html to OSIS converter to offer you, but maybe somebody else 
has come up with a method that is straight-forward.


> Hello,
> All is in the title, someone have a Linux tool to convert html files to
> osis?
> In this case it is for the KD module. I download the html source files
> but I want not to work  a lot on it. First I will work on bible issues
> and not commentary. But if someone have a tool to do quickly the job...

John Dudeck
Programmer at Editions Cle                             Lyon, France
john.dud...@sim.org                            j...@editionscle.com
"All programmers are optimists." -- Frederick Brooks

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