Ok a follow-up question:

BTW for now I am really only interested as this relates to AndBible. We are 
creating a collection of about 50 modules for our first release for 
French-speaking African pastors. In the future we may make these modules 
available to customers in Europe, too.

Last week I sat down and went into each Bible, Commentary,  and Dictionary and 
created a search index on my phone. Whenever you tap the search icon, if there 
is no index, it says you either need to download or create one. On a larger 
resource such as a full-bible commentary it can take a couple minutes to 
create. Doing the entire collection was a rather tedious exercise. Downloading, 
if it exists, is a lot quicker, but the rest of the modules are our own and we 
don't have downloadable indexes for them. In any case our target clientele can 
not be expected to have good internet connectivity, so our objective is to 
side-load everything.

I see that AndBible creates a lucene folder when you create indexes, and also a 
file named org.crosswire.jsword.index.lucene.InstalledIndex.properties. I'm 
wondering if it is sufficient to copy the contents of the lucene folders. Ie. 
when side-loading the modules, the indexes could be copied over at the same 
time. The goal would be to avoid the manual creation process.

Of course with AndBible, one only needs to launch the index creation at the 
first use. So the users can be taught that whenever they see the dialog box 
about indexes, they should just hit Create and wait for it to finish. I think 
you are saying also that AndBible will automatically create them on demand in 
the next release. From your responses already, it looks to me like we should 
not even try to provide indexes, and let the front ends create them.

I'm still wondering where the indexes came from that I downloaded on AndBible. 
The two Bibles that had them are FreCrampon and FreJND, which are in the 
Crosswire Raw repository. The module fraLSG1910eb did not have it. Is it 
possible that AndBible has a store of indexes somewhere for the known modules 
from Crosswire?

Thanks for your help.


> I think AndBible has committed a change to make creation of search indexes be 
> the new
> mechanism.
> DM
> On Feb 4, 2019, at 7:10 PM, Troy A. Griffitts <scr...@crosswire.org> wrote:
> Ah, read more closely... You are asking about creating search indices for 
> There is no good answer to this.  We don't officially support downloadable 
> search indicies.
> Some frontends have chosen to support this on their own and they each have 
> their own
> methods of doing such.  My preference would be for them to discontinue this 
> practice and
> create the search indices on demand on the user device, as all other frontend 
> do.  I
> understand the reasoning behind having these available for download when 
> creating the
> search indices on older mobile devices 10 years ago wasn't the speediest 
> operation, but
> now it likely will take less time than downloading on many mobile networks.
> So, in summary, what I described previously (below) will create the search 
> index for a
> module.  Where it's placed for some mobile apps to able to download varies 
> and at least
> one mobile app requires it to be in a subfolder on crosswire.org-- not in 
> your own download
> repo.
> Troy
> On 2/4/19 5:01 PM, Troy A. Griffitts wrote:
> Hi John,
> SWORD support searching with or without a search index and has 3 methods for
> maintaining any search index.  The implementation depends on which index 
> system
> option is turned on at configuration time when building (default is clucene; 
> ximian is
> also supported).  The calls are:
> virtual signed char SWModule::createSearchFramework(
>                 void (*percent) (char, void *) = &nullPercent,
>                 void *percentUserData = 0);
> virtual void SWModule::deleteSearchFramework();
> virtual bool SWModule::hasSearchFramework();
> http://crosswire.org/svn/sword/trunk/include/swmodule.h
> There is a simple command line utility which does nothing more than call
> SWModule::createSearchFramework on a module which you might find bundled with
> whatever binaries you are using.  The tool is called: mkfastmod
> http://crosswire.org/svn/sword/trunk/utilities/mkfastmod.cpp
> On 2/4/19 4:32 PM, Dudeck, John wrote:
> Sorry for what might be a frequently asked question, but I can't find it on 
> the
> Crosswire wiki:
> I am working on creating our own in-house repository. How are we supposed to
> create the search indexes for download?
> AndBible has a button for downloading the index, which works on some
> modules but not on others.
> I've looked on the various ftp repositories, but don't see anything that 
> looks like
> search indexes.
> Can anybody give me a pointer on this?
> Thanks.
> John Dudeck

John Dudeck
Programmer at Editions Cle                             Lyon, France
john.dud...@sim.org                            j...@editionscle.com
"Everything hinges on your view of Scripture. Either Scripture will be the
 lens through which you view the world or the world (science, politics,
 worldview, etc) will be the lens through which you view Scripture.
 Ultimately one or the other will be your authority." -- Rachel Miller

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