On Fri, 2019-03-08 at 07:08 +0000, David Haslam wrote:

> [Nic is] the pumpkin holder for PS. 

I think this is a generous description - as a pumpkin it is barely
held. Nic has not done much or any work on PS for now years and has
been very clear that he is looking for someone else to take it on from
him. There was a short period of hope when someone stepped up to make
it 64bit compatible, but that activity has ceased too. 

> Finally, PS needs serious work to successfully recompile against iOS
> 12.1.x 
> It’s a long time since the last PS release!
And I do think this is not likely to come. Which is a real problem.
Just like And Bible PocketSword is a run away success. Both of these
programmes make as far as I can tell the vast vast bulk of our module
uploads and have catapulted CrossWire into a much bigger league.

I would like to see Bishop or something else replacing PocketSword -
but I think this is unlikely simply dt the name recognition effect and
the huge usership. 

Further - compared to Android phones, iphones/ipads etc have a much
longer use period and 4, 5 year old phones are well in use in plenty
places and even older phones are still sold for decent money - but may
well be unable to update much beyond what is on there. 

I think if at all possible we need to maintain backwards compatibility
for old PocketSword installs for a long time - but we also need to find
some solution to its forward development. 

Is it possible to put a PocketSword like UI front onto Bishop and then
create a clear upgrade path - renaming Bishop into PocketSword X.0
(whatever the last version of it was +1)?  


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