Hi Tobias,

GBF is an old Bible markup format.
We now don’t accept it for new modules.

Have you found an authentic online source text?

Can you obtain a better one direct from the GBS ?

CrossWire doesn’t normally rebuild a module from text exported from a module.

In this case, that would only be a last resort.

Three steps:
1. mod2imp GerSch 1>filename.txt
2. Repair versification for Psalms
3. Imp2vs to rebuild the module.

At a guess, the Luther v11n might be suitable.

And in this rare case we’d probably not lose any content.

Aside: Which front-end doesn’t render these tags ?


Sent from ProtonMail Mobile

On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 16:50, Tobias Klein <cont...@tklein.info> wrote:

> Ok, thanks David!
> So that means unless there's an updated module I would have to apply my own 
> "search / replace" to get rid of these tags, huh?
> Are there other modules with the same "issue"?
> Best regards,
> Tobias
> On 17.03.19 17:46, David Haslam wrote:
>> The GerSch module was made from an input file that had GBF markup.
>> It’s not OSIS.
>> These H tags record the verse references for the original av11n.
>> The module was made in 2013.
>> But the source text was from much earlier, 2006.
>> It might be suitable for rebuilding if we can still obtain the 1951 source 
>> text.
>> There should now be a more suitable v11n than the default KJV that was used 
>> in 2006 & 2013.
>> David
>> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
>> On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 16:30, Tobias Klein <cont...@tklein.info> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> when working with the German Schlachter Bibel (1951) [GerSch] I noticed
>>> that there's some special markup in the Psalms:
>>> Ein Psalm Davids, als er vor seinem Sohne Absalom floh.
>>> <H3-2> Ach, HERR, wie zahlreich sind meine Feinde! Viele stehen wider
>>> mich auf;
>>> <H3-3> viele sagen von meiner Seele: «Sie hat keine Hilfe bei Gott.»
>>> (Pause.)
>>> <H3-4> Aber du, HERR, bist ein Schild um mich, meine Ehre und der mein
>>> Haupt emporhebt.
>>> ...
>>> It may be a beginners question - what's the purpose of the <H*-*> markup?
>>> Is there a filter option in the Sword API that would allow me to not
>>> show it?
>>> To get the text of the verse I'm using the API function
>>> SWModule::stripText().
>>> In the Sword code it says that this function "calls all StripTextFilters
>>> on current text" and that it returns the "module's text at specified key
>>> location massaged by Strip filters".
>>> Am I using the right function? Do I have to apply additional filters to
>>> remove the markup mentioned above?
>>> Best regards,
>>> Tobias
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