On 3/29/19 7:16 PM, Tobias Klein wrote:
I thought it may be convenient for the user to be informed about this *before* installing a corresponding module.
Of course. That's what Xiphos' mod.mgr does, or any other UI's equivalent. It's just a matter of whether it examines what's available and makes that info available.

The *.conf held by the repo (mods.tar.gz) are acquired when the mod.mgr is opened. Each is checked for CipherKey and the mod.mgr's offer of what's available to install is marked appropriately. The user decides what he wants, checks boxes as needed, and installs. mod.mgr shows the lock symbol both before and after install.

There is a tooltip attached to the column heading: "The lock icon means this module is encrypted, and requires that you purchase an unlock key from the content owner." So the user is properly warned.
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