Il 06/05/2019 18:12, Peter von Kaehne ha scritto:
> On Mon, 2019-05-06 at 14:57 +0000, David Haslam wrote:
>> It does not appear in the Latin branch of the Biblical Texts category
>> when viewed from PocketSword.
>> Where did you find the CPDV with such a configuration key?
>> Or is it the case that there is more than one Lang= ?
> The "Latin" was the fault of the source file - please check in GitLab
> and correct it there. My conf making script relies on the language
> setting in the OSIS file. If that is incorrect of course it will be
> incorrect in the module too. I have for now corrected it by hand, but
> it would be good to have right in our public module source too.
In gitlab lang=en not latin
> Peter
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