A study Bible with extensive sidebars is really two books presented in 
parallel: The Holy Bible and a commentary. The best way to do it for electronic 
presentation is exactly that, as two volumes that get presented together.

You can try to shoehorn sidebars into the same USFM as the Bible text itself 
using some USFM 3.0 features, but those are not well supported in publication 

On 5/21/19 8:41 AM, Peter von Kaehne wrote:
> Dear All, 
> A study bible I am currently working on, written in USFM has a feature
> not currently covered by our software: "sidebars". 
> These are small mini documents, in-depth explanations of a feature
> covered by the text. They have titles, they have paragraphs, they have
> inline crossreferences, they might contain images, they could in theory
> have footnotes etc. 
> Right now they are simply as a div type=x-sidebar chucked into the
> text. 
> Any suggestion as to how we could represent them graphically? 
> Options coming to my mind are 
> - extended footnotes (and then work on frontends to support graphically
> more challenging footnotes). This will require work in engine and
> frontends
> - inline. This should probably happen just now without any extra work
> - floating text popups via CSS +/- some javascript which come up on
> mouse hover. This will require some work in engine and possibly
> frontends too and will only be available in XHTML based frontends.
> I am happy to have a go at the work within the engine and think options
> (2) and (3) at least should largely be within my ability to fix. 
> Any alternative suggestions or thoughts? Any strong views wrt
> preference of these? 
> Peter
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