
This is a bit late, but I have just found something odd for which I have no explanation.

Due to the way some Python modules handle XML, non-ascii characters may be converted to the form &#xxxx; where xxxx is a decimal unicode character. Such characters, such as Hebrew letters, do not appear in diatheke output. They also do not show in Xiphos. They *do* appear in BibleDesktop which uses jsword.

A Python program to convert all such characters to actual UTF-8 Hebrew solves the problem. (I do use the -N option in osis2mod.)

Related to this, I have noticed for a long time that some other characters such as curly quotes also do not appear in diatheke or Xiphos.

Obviously, some characters *cannot* appear in xml because they have syntactical meaning in xml. Thus they must use the &#xxxx; format or other escape method. So how should they be handled so osis2mod works with them.

Advice? Comments? Could this be something that could be fixed in Sword?



Tom Sullivan
FAX: 815-301-2835

On 8/27/19 3:00 PM, Greg Hellings wrote:
Hey everyone,

It's been a while since the 1.8.1 release went out. Over the past couple of months there has been a flurry of updates, fixes, and minor tweaks added to the trunk. Lots of these were in support of Android and Bishop in particular, but not all of them.

With a long weekend in the USA coming up, I'd like to start culling the trunk commits into the 1.8 release and begin work towards a 1.8.2 sooner rather than later. If you have anything outstanding, please let me know or get it committed to trunk. I'll start pulling commits once I find a few hours, and then make an RC release once that's done.


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