Hi Tobias. There is some feature in InstallMgr which returns the status of a 
module as: not installed, installed but an update is available, installed and 
up to date. I know this isn't what you want, but was as far as we wanted to go 
with defining module info. I guess InstallMgr could add a line into the .conf 
when installing: InstalledFrom, but that could be a side load, a local repo, 
another SWORD application install on a local lan, or one of our remote sources 
which might not still host the module. So, I guess, without fully knowing your 
use case, are you looking for where the module is now available, or from where 
it was installed? Is there a use case you can describe which you see giving 
value to the user, maybe we can try to solve together?



On September 27, 2019 1:58:20 PM MST, cont...@tklein.info wrote:
>Ok. In this case (if there are potentially multiple source repo's for  
>one given module) could a list be returned?
>This is quite common for 1:n relationships in databases as well ...
>Best regards,
>Quoting Greg Hellings <greg.helli...@gmail.com>:
>> Currently the engine does not intentionally preserve any information
>> where a module comes from. This is why, for a single installer, it
>> handle having parallel installs of the same module from different
>> (e.g. you can't have both CrossWire KJV and your own homegrown KJV in
>> parallel without giving your own a different module name).
>> There's nothing stopping an application from creating different local
>> repos, one for each upstream, and then combining the two using its
>> logic. However, this isn't something the library currently supports.
>> fact that you can reverse engineer its source, at present, is only
>> none of the main repositories duplicates module identifiers from any
>> repositories. However there is nothing, technically speaking, that
>> this. Thus, module pedigree is not, necessarily, a deterministic
>> --Greg
>> On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 2:28 PM <cont...@tklein.info> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Using the SWORD API, is there an easy way to determine the
>>> remote/source repository a module is coming from?
>>> I haven't found anything in the SWModule class or anywhere else.
>>> This would be my approach without any API method:
>>> 1) Get the config entry "PrefixPath" using
>>> SWModule::getConfigEntry("PrefixPath"). This returns something like
>>> this:
>>> /home/tobi/.sword/installMgr/20151110161300/
>>> 2) The last part of the path above is the "id" of the source
>>> 3) Looking up ~/.sword/installMgr/masterRepoList.conf I can find the
>>> mapping between the repo id and the actual repository name from a
>>> like this one:
>>> Would it make sense to provide a method in the SWModule or
>>> class to easily get this information?
>>> This would be useful meta information when showing an about dialog
>>> a module and I also see other use cases.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Tobias
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