Dear Don,

We have a few old commentaries which use roman numerals as their
reference.  Our parser understands these and can convert them into
OSISRefs, e.g.,

The issue is finding them in the text (as David has pointed out, you
don't want to convert 'I' to 1 :) )  If you have the references marked,
then our parser can do the conversion for you.  Finding and marking all
the references might be challenge unless you find some consistent
indicator in the text at each reference, or at least a high percentage,
e.g. ,a ':'

Hoping you make good progress,


On 10/14/19 4:22 AM, Don Elbourne wrote:
> Does anyone have a Roman Numerals to Arabic conversion tool?
> I have a long document where all the scripture references are in Roman
> Numerals. I'd love to convert them to more standard Arabic number
> references. To do so by hand would take a lifetime. lol
> btw The document is "A Scriptural Exposition of the Baptist Catechism"
> and IMHO would be a great module resource in Sword.
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