It looks like the RTF representation of Unicode but with decimal codepoints.

The presence of hyphens in some codes looks somewhat anomalous.


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On Sat, Nov 9, 2019 at 20:52, Cyrille <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Someone would have any idea which encoding is the about in the ChiNCVs module:
> \u32178?\u19978?\u12298?\u-32682?\u32147?\u26032?\u-29841?\u26412?\u12299?
> \u-32682?\u32147?\u26159?\u31070?\u32102?\u20154?\u-26530?\u30340?\u21402?\u31150?\u-244?\u23427?\u19981?\u21934?\u20351?\u20154?\u24471?\u-31657?\u25937?\u24681?\u-244?\u20063?\u20351?\u20154?\u24471?\u-31657?\u26356?\u-29616?\u30427?\u30340?\u29983?\u21629?\u-244?\u21448?\u21487?\u20197?\u20351?\u20449?\u24466?\u-30499?\u20633?\u22909?\u-244?\u23436?\u25104?\u21508?\u27171?\u30340?\u21892?\u24037?
> ...
> The problem is the same in the chiNCVT.
> Or someone have contact with The Worldwide Bible Society Ltd.? 
> (
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