Greetings, everyone:

As I'm working on my automation for Sword releases, one of the things that
people often ask for, despite all the advice against it, is Windows builds
of the utilities. For myriad reasons I'm not currently producing builds off
the head of Subversion, but rather from the latest release (1.8.1 as of

Releases will be made off of the GitHub page where I package them. If
anyone wants to be alerted to the latest releases as they come out, follow
along by starring/following this repository:

The version refers to the Sword version and the build date (because the
libraries that Sword uses might have changed or updated in the meantime).
So there's not been much update since the 1.8.1, in this case, just
anything of the underlying libraries. I'll do my best to keep these builds
up to date when a new version of Sword comes out. If I don't get to it in
future releases, just someone bump me and ask for it.

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