On 5/2/20 8:17 PM, Tom Sullivan wrote:
> I downloaded a key and Xiphos appears to have put it in the conf file
> correctly - it matches my downloaded text.
> But xiphos displays no text, only chapters and so on 

FWIW, Xiphos in its about-to-be-released 4.2 plus latest Sword (SVN
3727) displays NA28 displays fine.  We'll be announcing new Xiphos
sometime Real Soon Now.

That said... Troy, I had not noticed until now that there exists
pre-book material in NA28 (Matt.0.0, inscription), and it does not
display properly.  I see it in mod2imp, but it is absent in Xiphos'
display other than for a footnote marker /*n/ with no referent content,
and diatheke confirms its absencein XHTML output. The content as seen
from mod2imp is marked as a footnote of type "variant" and I wonder if
there is no transform that outputs it.

$ diatheke -b NA28 -o fsmhalswi -f xhtml -k matt.0.0
<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html"
charset="UTF-8" lang="en" xml:lang="en"/>
<style type="text/css"> [ CSS styles removed
]</style></head><body>Matthew 0:0: <span style="font:Gentium;"
lang="grc"><a class="noteMarker variant"
class="n">*n</sup></small></a> </div> <div class="chapter"></span><br />

Also, the word "robinson" is bleeding through morphology output.  If
your use of grep gives match highlight, try this to see how it shows up:

$ diatheke -b NA28 -o fnmhalswi -f xhtml -k 1tim.3.1 | grep value=robinson

Looks like it's caused by a source markupdifference between "robinson
strongsMorph:XXX" and just "robinson:XXX".
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