On 5/9/20 10:08 AM, Caleb Maclennan wrote:
On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 9:45 AM Tobias Klein <cont...@tklein.info <mailto:cont...@tklein.info>> wrote:

    Something more realistic than a shared storage backend would be a
    shared export / import format. This I think may be worthwhile to
    pursue. We could simply agree on a certain json or xml format for
    @all: Who would be interested in this in general? We could start
    with tags / topical verse lists.

I would.

For my tastes and potential use cases something that split the difference between a complete live persistence and a static import/export would beĀ  much more useful. Specifically I would like to intervene in the middle of the import/export process and store the dump format in version control. If the format were carefully considered with this use case in mind this would allow merging content from different sources and basically providing a synchronization mechanism. Not a live persistent connection perse, but with a little outside setup it could be used as an eventually-consistent sync mechanism. How much hand holding would go into fixing merge conflicts would be dependent on how well thought out the schema was.

"Intervene" in the middle of the import/export process - can you eloborate a bit more on this, Caleb?

To me this simply sounds like "Use Git (or whatever other SCM) as a storage backend for text-format based tagged verse list files".

Best regards,

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