This is also a challenge for using USFM,  let alone OSIS and SWORD front-ends.

In some AV11N, the CT is sometimes only part of verse 1.

There are also at least 2 Psalms where the CT extends into verse 2 and 1 Psalm 
where the CT actually creeps into verse 3 with a single word consisting of a 
verb participle!

I leave the locations as an exercise for the reader. Fluency in French helps. ;)

As for USFM, the following is valid and correct, and would be accepted in 

\d \v 1 A Psalm of David
\q O Lord ....

It’s not immediately apparent how best to convert this to OSIS ....


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On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 03:35, DM Smith <> wrote:

> While the OSIS spec has one definition of canonical, being part of the 
> published text. Regarding Bibles, Troy pointed out, we use it in the 
> theological sense for Bible modules.
> There are many versifications that have the canonical titles as verse 1. and 
> what we have as verse 1 to n in verse 2 to n + 1.
> I once surveyed all of our modules for verse 3.0 and verse 3.1 to note how 
> they handled the canonical Psalm title. It was very inconsistent. Some had it 
> in verse 0, some had it in verse 1. Many didn’t have it marked as canonical. 
> That’s an entirely issue than what we are talking about here.
> In Him,
> DM
>> On May 8, 2020, at 10:49 AM, Tom Sullivan <> wrote:
>> Y'all:
>> My Biblia Hebraica treats Psalm titles as the first verse, indicating 
>> biblical canonacity and in line with Hebrew versification.
>> Note the following from OSIS doc, OSIS.pdf:
>> Appendix B.2.10 titles
>> The type attribute on the title element is used to allow special rendering 
>> of particular titles, as well as
>> searching for particular types of titles in the text.identify the type of 
>> note that appears in the text. Note that
>> the values for the type attribute must be entered exactly as shown, all 
>> others must use the "x-" extension
>> mechanism.
>> If the user needs to record a type of title in the text that is not covered 
>> by these values, please use the OSIS
>> attribute extension mechanism, "x-" in front of the name of your value for 
>> this attribute.
>> .
>> .
>> psalm Use in the Psalms where what are considered "titles" in the English 
>> text are actually numbered
>> as verses in the Hebrew text.
>> David's point about canonicity is well taken, but we must consider:
>> 1. Are we considering canonicity with respect to the NASB as published,
>> OR
>> 2. Are we considering canonicity with respect to how the NASB publishers saw 
>> it, that is that the Scripture text is cannonical. If we make this decision, 
>> we are simply electronically duplicating the paper publication.
>> IMHO, 2. is the far better choice.
>> Hope this helps, and thanks again to all.
>> Tom Sullivan
>> FAX: 815-301-2835
>> ---------------------
>> On 5/8/20 10:28 AM, David Haslam wrote:
>>> One of the subtleties of OSIS is that the canonical attribute is actually 
>>> not a theological matter.
>>> It’s easy to jump to the wrong conclusion that SWORD treats it as if it was.
>>> It’s actually a technical attribute relating to the published work it 
>>> represents in digital format.
>>> So it can just as well appear in a Commentary module as a Bible module.
>>> Anything with canonical=“false” should in theory at least be only because 
>>> the marked text was not in the original work.
>>> Then the question becomes “What was the original work?”
>>> I will leave you to ponder....
>>> David
>>> Sent from ProtonMail Mobile
>>> On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 15:09, Karl Kleinpaste < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> On 5/8/20 10:00 AM, Tom Sullivan wrote:
>>>> > because Psalm titles are canonical, front-ends should put a difference
>>>> > in display between them and human editor supplied titles.
>>>> It's a fine idea, but it requires (in the xhtml case) the engine to wrap
>>>> such titles in a suitable <span></span> so that a CSS control can put it
>>>> to use, with appropriate new default render header content for it.
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